Monday, January 5, 2009

Shooting Bikers

Shooting a group of bikers presents some unusual challenges. When shooting people pictures, bonding with the people you're photographing is always a key element of success. When they're glad to have you along, the harvest will be bountiful. When you introduce yourself, the first thing they should see is a SMILE! On this day of shooting, I built new friendships with guys with bicepts of steel and hearts of gold. Photographing vehicles can be very technical sometimes. With the bikes, I did some experimenting around with strong backlighting and fill flash. The top shot has the flash power bumped up to fill in the rider's faces. It worked. I got a little lens flare even though my lens was spotless. Keeping your lens elements clean is key for anything facing into the sun, especially when using wide angle lenses that don't benefit much from lens shades. I also took a number of shots using slow shutter speeds. The middle shot above was taken using a 1/60th shutter speed and continuous autofocus. The bottom shot was taken with a little negative exposure compensation, and was tweaked in photoshop to bring out the texture of the leather some more.
What a great day of shooting!

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Paul LeGrand Photography

Paul LeGrand Photography
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